Barnestorm Hardware and Software Requirements

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Barnestorm Hardware and Software Requirements

Operating System

Windows 10, Windows 11


4 GB or more is ideal


2.0 GHz

System Type 64-Bit


10/100 NIC

Hard Disk

20 GB or more


1024x768 or higher-resolution video adapter


Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5, Windows Installer 4.5 or a later version

Database Version*  

SQL 2014 Express (POC only-not needed for Office)

  • If you aren’t sure if your computer meets the requirements, we’d be happy to check it for you. 
  • From the computer you’d like us to check, launch a browser and navigate to http:\\
  • If you need help starting a chat here are some detailed instructions: Start a Chat
  • Our technicians will connect to your computer and check its specifications. They’ll let you know if it meets our requirements.
  • *For Point of Care installs: All SQL versions require administrative rights on the computer during the install.
  • All Client and Server operating systems need to be 64 bit. Effective January 14, 2020 Barnestorm will no longer support Windows 7. 
  • Ink and Signatures can be input into the system using any mouse pen, wireless digital pen or standard mouse. Touchscreens are required for monitor signing.
  • The software can be configured to be accessible from outside the network if desired. Mapping and management of network drives is not the responsibility of Barnestorm. See our support policy here.
We need all Barnestorm users to have full, unblocked access to: (we run installation executables off of here, as well) (tech support)
These outgoing ports need to be open for Barnestorm users:
80, 450, 443, 20, 21, 2022, 8090

In addition, Barnestorm uses Logmein to provide remote support for all users.
LogMeIn is compatible with all major security suites and broadband routers. To make LogMeIn work when the host is behind a firewall, you must ensure the following:
TCP port 443 traffic must be allowed
LogMeIn components must not be blocked
LogMeIn Components
Add the following LogMeIn components to the allowed list in your firewall configuration:


LogMeIn requires

2 Mbit/s
Internet Connection
For remote control, we require a 1.5 Mbit/s (192 Kbyte/s) or higher connection speed on each end, as per FCC guidelines for video streaming. For optimal experience in Full HD resolution, a 2 Mbit/s (256 Kbyte/s) connection is recommended.

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Last Modified:Thursday, September 01, 2022

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